I had a sudden burst of random creative energy today, which led me to redesign the blog header and background, so I thought I would run with it and actually POST something! Yahoo! I think my blogging hiatus as of late has been possibly the longest yet. As soon as I can think of a legitimate excuse I will come back and add it, but for now I think I will just say I have been a slacker and proceed with the proverbial photodump!
Claire has shown some interest in walking the past couple of months--I can't say that I have been terribly encouraging. I have had an 8 month-old walker and now I will be perfectly content with a 1-year-old walker! (:
Enjoying the sun...
There's nothing like a fort in the living room!
Funny boy.
This may have been the highlight of the year thus far for Luke. Someone in Delta has recreated Mater, and done a pretty good job, too! And people say there is nothing to see in Delta...
We took a trip to Arches with the Krogh fam.
Even though half of our little family were recovering from the flu, and the other half still had the flu, we managed to have a great time!
Her serious look...
Luke has been sure to display his 'cool' side to us lately.
Pretty sure he gets it from this guy:
Oooh yeah!
I got to spend some time with my awesome friends from high school.
It was just like old times!
(not sure what's going on with my Darth Maul-esque eye in this pic...)
Cousin time! I smell trouble ahead from these three...
And the newest addition to the Krogh side of the family: cute baby Owen!
Sisters...hands down my favorite thing about being back in Utah is
that we get to see family much more often.
I haven't been to Logan's Summerfest in a few years, so it was great to go again this summer.
Luke took full advantage:
From cotton candy excitement! to Sugar coma.
And my favorite picture of late:
I couldn't ask for more when it comes to this little family of mine.