What's that? I only post when my kids reach an age milestone, you say? This is true, but as it may be the only record they have one day of actually growing up, I'll keep doing it! Besides, an upcoming (THURSDAY!!) trip to Hawaii just might merit a non kid-related post in the near future. Might.
For now, though, let's talk about how my little girl just turned 18 months!
Now (and many parents may concur), maybe the best part about your child turning 18 months is their eligibility for Nursery (a class at our church for kids 18mos-3years). Can I get a woot, woot!?
Coincidentally, Claire's first day of Nursery was also Luke's first day of Primary. I tried to get a picture to document this occasion--don't they look thrilled??
I was a little worried about how Claire would take to Nursery, but so far she has loved it. Hallelujah! Also, knock on wood.
Nothing brightens my day like a hug and a smile from this little sweetie. She likes to follow me around, pretty much all day, and although she doesn't sit still for more than, five seconds I think is the record?, she is very generous with hugs and kisses. When she hugs me she will pat my back which just about does me in every time.
She is still my little eater--she will eat just about anything, and happily, which is such a blessing to me as I still have one child (who shall remain nameless) who I am pretty sure gets more sustenance from inside his nose than from on his plate. (TMI?)
She prefers to sit up at the table like a big girl--or like her big brother I should say.
Her vocabulary is still pretty sparse, although she says 'mama' and 'more' in the cutest way I think I have ever heard. She makes some animal sounds, can say 'up', 'down', 'uh-oh', 'night-night', 'hop', 'thank you', and a few other words that I can't seem to think of at the moment.
One of my favorite things about Claire right now is that when you say something she doesn't like, ie "No", "Don't touch that", "Give that to me please", "Share with Luke", etc., she gives you the same look:
I love it. It makes me laugh, every time. Although I would love for her to listen to me and do everything I say, I will miss this if she ever stops doing it. On second thought, maybe when she is a teenager I won't be so fond...
There are no specific toys that she insists on playing with; basically she is content to just be around the action. Sharing with her brother (and this goes both ways) is still a challenge, and I am really hoping that as soon as she begins talking more they will be able to better play together. Some days I just feel like a referee.
She is quite stubborn and doesn't give up without a fight. She has started to throw tantrums here and there, but I have yet to be discouraged by them; her mad face is just too cute (I'm sure the first in-Walmart tantrum will change my mind on this issue)!
She likes to dance, usually by waving her arm around as though she is leading the music.
Books are becoming more interesting to her, although we rarely make it all the way through one before she wants to read something else.
She loves, loves, loves her Daddy, and still gets so excited to see him when he comes home from work.
We couldn't love her more!